So you dropped food on the floor. Do you eat it or throw it out? This chart helps you answer the age-old question!

I'd absolutely freak out. More than three million NY, NJ & CT customers were without Food Network for over three weeks. Luckily, Scripps & Food Network made up and all is right in the Northeast again. -SeriousEats

Saveur Magazine is cleaning out its kitchen with its 2nd annual Foodie Giveaway. Sign up to win gadgets, cookware & more!

Wish you could have a beer with your Whopper? You don't have to wait long! Burger King plans to sell beer at its new "Whopper Bar."

You've got egg on your face. But this time it's from a cocktail. Raw eggs add fizz, richness and sparkle to your drink! -SeriousEats
Got little ones who want to help in the kitchen? Check out these Easy Bake Oven recipes and let them cook with you! -SeattleTimes
I'm still not sold on Microsoft's search engine "Bing," but it's now helping users find recipes. May have to try again!

Mark Vanhoenacke compares Thomas Keller's famed French Laundry to...McDonald's??? They're more alike than you think!

Thanks for the link to the Saveur giveaway. Going to sign up now. Free stuff is good stuff!