
April 28: The 10th Annual Grilled Cheese Invitational!

I've said time and time again, put dessert in front of me and I'll pass on it every time. But give me a great piece of artisanal cheese -- stinky Fontina, nutty Gruyere, ooey-gooey Brie, or chunks of aged Parmesan -- and I'll fight for it tooth and nail. This slightly irrational love for all things cheese causes me to get equally irrationally excited for a certain Grilled Cheese Invitational, happening Saturday, April 28, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Lot K of the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.   

There are three ways to register for the event: as a participant (amateur chefs = $25; professional chefs = $50), as a judge ($25), or as someone who gets to casually stroll around and eat your weight in grilled cheese ($15). I know which direction I'd go; how about you?

If you want to put your best grilled cheese up against other would-be winners, there are four "sammich" categories to consider:
  • Love, American Style: White bread, butter, orange cheese (American or Cheddar). Nothing else.   
  • The Missionary Position: Any type of bread, butter and cheese. No additional ingredients.   
  • The Kama Sutra: A sandwich of the savory nature, with any type of bread, butter and cheese PLUS additional ingredients, and the interior ingredients must be at least 60% cheese.   
  • The Honey Pot: Any kind of bread, any kind of butter, and any kind of cheese, and the interior ingredients of the sammich must be at least 60% cheese, plus additional ingredients, and with an overall flavor that is sweet and would best be served as dessert.
Get your tickets soon! There are a lot of grilled cheese lovers in La-La Land who are sure to sell this sucker out ASAP. Need more info? Check the event's official website or follow them @grilldcheez.

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