
Forget Cookies & Give Your Mom "Kukees" For Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is only four days away... so what are you going to get Mom? If she's not the type for flowers or candy, and you don't have the time for homebaked goods, why not try the next best thing: Kukees!

I recently received a box of Kukees (thank you, Denise!) and at first glance, was shocked by the package. The Kukee's box is essentially a jewelry box for cookies, complete with a top lid and two drawers that reveal each "Kukee" tucked away comfortably in its own compartment. After I stopped ooh-ing and aah-ing over the packaging, I noticed the sheer size of the cookies themselves. They were HUGE. And not in a Man v. Food kind of way; more in a "let's make cookies that resemble a mini mountain range of cookie dough" way. Except this cookie dough is filled to the brim with chunks of nuts, chocolate (of all types), cranberries, raisins, oatmeal, and bits of Reeses peanut butter cups. Sound healthy-ish for an indulgent treat? You're not far off. Compared to the regular store-bought cookie, Kukees have no preservatives or hydrogenated oils, and even come packed with three grams of fiber.

My box alone came with 12 cookies, which is the standard packing size. A sweet hand-written note accompanied the box, welcoming me to my first batch of Kukees and enlightening me to the Original Kukee flavors: chocolate chip, dark chocolate cherry, Reeses peanut butter cup, peanut butter banana, white chocolate macadamia, and oatmeal raisin. Now that's a lot of cookies. There was no way Bryan and I could eat them all, and while Kukees recommends that any unfinished Kukee gets stored in the freezer for up to a month, I just didn't want to them to get forgotten in the icebox only to be discovered with a sad "Ohhhh, we forgot about the Kukees" six months from now. We've all been there, right?

Take a peek inside each of the classic Kukees...

So instead, I took them to a friend's BBQ. It turned out perfect, actually, as the hostess had everything but dessert on hand. Bryan brought out the two-tiered box and everybody dug in, breaking apart bits of each cookie mountain and passing them around. The general consensus? Kukees' cookies were delightful, if not hearty. The flavors were creative and on-point, and the contrasting smooth vs. chunky texture from the dough and fillings was liked by most. The one word of caution? Turns out you really can only have just one Kukee. While the mini mountain range of cookies are delightful to look at and delicious to eat, one Kukee really does fill you up. If you ask me, that's a benefit: built-in portion control!

Want to try Kukees for yourself? Boxes are $39/each; choose 12 of one flavor, six each of two flavors, or a sampler with two each of six flavors. Order them here.

Email: order@kukees.com
Phone: 310.426.0440


  1. It gives me abundant pleasure in going through your exciting article on how to forget cookies and give my mom kukees for mother's day. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I am really glad to learn about these kukees on such auspicious mother's day. They are the right kind of food to celebrate the occasion. thanks.

  3. it's too bad they went out of business or whatever happened. those cookies were amazing. I bought them off Gilt once... unreal. Like eating cookie dough. I don't understand how the hell they went out of buiness.
