
Crumbs of the Day: Friday, Jan. 22

So you dropped food on the floor. Do you eat it or throw it out? This chart helps you answer the age-old question! -SFWeekly.com

I'd absolutely freak out. More than three million NY, NJ & CT customers were without Food Network for over three weeks. Luckily, Scripps & Food Network made up and all is right in the Northeast again. -SeriousEats

Saveur Magazine is cleaning out its kitchen with its 2nd annual Foodie Giveaway. Sign up to win gadgets, cookware & more! -Saveur.com

Wish you could have a beer with your Whopper? You don't have to wait long! Burger King plans to sell beer at its new "Whopper Bar." -NYDailyNews.com

You've got egg on your face. But this time it's from a cocktail. Raw eggs add fizz, richness and sparkle to your drink! -SeriousEats

Got little ones who want to help in the kitchen? Check out these Easy Bake Oven recipes and let them cook with you! -SeattleTimes

I'm still not sold on Microsoft's search engine "Bing," but it's now helping users find recipes. May have to try again! -GrubstreetNY.com

Mark Vanhoenacke compares Thomas Keller's famed French Laundry to...McDonald's??? They're more alike than you think! -MoreIntelligentLife.com

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to the Saveur giveaway. Going to sign up now. Free stuff is good stuff!
